FDI Calculator for Java
FDI Calculator
If you do not have the days since rain or rainfall then leave them blank.
0 – 20
Low Fire Hazard. Controled burning
operations can normally be executed with a reasonable degree of
21 – 45
Although controlled burning operations can be done without creating a fire hazard,
care must be taken when burning on exposed, dry slopes. Keep a constant watch
for unexpected wind speed and direction changes.
46 – 60
Controlled burning is not recommended when the F.D.I. exceeds 50. Aircraft
should be called in at the early stages of a fire.
61 – 75
No controlled burning of any nature should take place. Careful note should be taken of any
sign of smoke anywhere. Any fire the occurs, should be attacked with the maximum force
at hand, including all availabe aircraft at the time.
75 – 100
All personnel and equipment should be removed from field. Fire teams, labour and equipment
are to be place on full standby. At the first sign of smoke, every possible measure should be
taken in order to bring the fire under control in the shortest possible time. All available aircraft
to be called without delay.